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Stony meteorites come in various compositions and structures. Some of them represent the oldest material within our solar system. Some of these meteorites - when cut - reveal an inner structure full of chondrules, the very first material that originated as free-floating, molten droplets in space before being accreted by bigger objects like asteroids or planetesimals. Their scientific value is particularly high since the chondrules have not been modified by melting or differentiation in 4.6 billion years, thus preserving, in a very pristine form, the original dust of our early solar system. You can find different kinds of stony meteorites that have fallen in various parts of the world in this section of the meteorite shop.

Chelyabinsk 28.15 g
Name Chelyabinsk 28.15 g (LL5)
Price 339 EUR
Weight 28.15 grams
Size 38 mm x 21 mm x 21 mm
Item number 246
Chelyabinsk 6.61 g
Name Chelyabinsk 6.61 g (LL5)
Price 79 EUR
Weight 6.61 grams
Size 21 mm x 18 mm x 14 mm
Item number 247
Chelyabinsk 6.24 g
Name Chelyabinsk 6.24 g (LL5)
Price sold
Weight 6.24 grams
Size 29 mm x 15 mm x 10 mm
Item number 215
Chelyabinsk 10.37 g
Name Chelyabinsk 10.37 g (LL5)
Price 119 EUR
Weight 10.37 grams
Size 24 mm x 21 mm x 14 mm
Item number 244
Chelyabinsk 10.31 g
Name Chelyabinsk 10.31 g (LL5)
Price sold
Weight 10.31 grams
Size 24 mm x 23 mm x 15 mm
Item number 243
Chelyabinsk 8.53 g
Name Chelyabinsk 8.53 g (LL5)
Price 89 EUR
Weight 8.53 grams
Size 25 mm x 22 mm x 9 mm
Item number 249
Chelyabinsk 6.46 g
Name Chelyabinsk 6.46 g (LL5)
Price 69 EUR
Weight 6.46 grams
Size 19 mm x 16 mm x 15 mm
Item number 248
Chelyabinsk 40.1 g
Name Chelyabinsk 40.1 g (LL5)
Price 439 EUR
Weight 40.1 grams
Size 31 mm x 30 mm x 26 mm
Item number 245
NWA 2798 Main Mass - L3.2
Name NWA 2798 Main Mass - L3.2
Price sold
Weight 333.5 grams
Size 94 mm x 65 mm x 39 mm
Item number 107
NWA 6933 slice - 21.4 g
Name NWA 6933 slice - 21.4 g (Eukrit)
Price sold
Weight 21.4 grams
Size 80 mm x 57 mm x 2 mm
Item number 162
NWA XXX 45.7 g
Name NWA XXX 45.7 g (unclassified)
Price 99 EUR
Weight 45.7 grams
Size 40 mm x 28 mm x 23 mm
Item number 224
NWA XXX 151.8 g
Name NWA XXX 151.8 g (unclassified)
Price sold
Weight 151.8 grams
Size 62 mm x 51 mm x 35 mm
Item number 228
NWA XXX 179.3 g
Name NWA XXX 179.3 g (unclassified)
Price sold
Weight 179.3 grams
Size 61 mm x 50 mm x 45 mm
Item number 229
4 NWA XXX Meteorites - 156.6 g in Total
Name 4 NWA XXX Meteorites - 156.6 g in Total (unclassified)
Price 129 EUR
Weight 156.6 grams
Item number 232
4 NWA XXX Meteorites - 103.0 g in Total
Name 4 NWA XXX Meteorites - 103.0 g in Total
Price 89 EUR
Weight 103 grams
Item number 231
NWA XXX 215.7 g
Name NWA XXX 215.7 g
Price sold
Weight 215.7 grams
Size 72 mm x 48 mm x 44 mm
Item number 113
NWA XXX 399 g
Name NWA XXX 399 g
Price sold
Weight 399 grams
Size 98 mm x 68 mm x 55 mm
Item number 115
NWA XXX 584 g
Name NWA XXX 584 g
Price sold
Weight 584 grams
Size 112 mm x 63 mm x 61 mm
Item number 116
NWA XXX 355 g
Name NWA XXX 355 g
Price sold
Weight 355.1 grams
Size 79 mm x 56 mm x 55 mm
Item number 37
NWA 869 slice - 27.2 g
Name NWA 869 slice - 27.2 g (L3-6)
Price sold
Weight 27.2 grams
Size 74 mm x 46 mm x 4 mm
Item number 73
International Meteorite Collectors Association
We are members of the International Meteorite Collectors Association (IMCA member no. 8435)